Thursday, April 09, 2009

British Napoleonic Coat Evolution

Most don't realize that during the Napoleonic time period (1793-1815), the coat worn by the British infantryman went through quite an evolution.  At the start of the French Revolution, the standard issue coat worn by the British infantry looked something similar to the coat worn during the American War for Independence (1775-1783).  I could try to describe the evolution, but I believe the following illustration does a much better job.

(Click for a larger version)

The illustration is from C. E. Franklin's book British Napoleonic Uniforms, which was just published.  The following text is the caption for the illustration:
The evolution from the long tailcoat of 1793 to the final version of the jacket in 1815.  The old pattern 'swallow tail' coat is taken from tailors drawings, as are all the illustrations.  (1).  The first style of coat introduced by the regulations of 1796 closed the front but retained the lapels (2).  It should be noted that most regiments wore a button or some such ornament, at the point where the front and rear turn-backs joined unless they were secured by some other device.  In the parlance of the day this was called a 'dubby or a dubbie'.  The labels were removed in the same year (3) and the jacket shortened, but it took some time before the closed rear opening with a fly, known as a 'tommy', became a standard feature (4).  The later version of the jacket was shorter and the final version had a higher collar to hide the clasp of the stock left uncovered by the loss of the queue and was shorter in the skirts with the horizontal pocket flaps stitched down to the front of the pocket and secured by two extra small buttons.  The oblique pocket flaps were false with the pocket entered in the plait (5).
See British Napoleonic Uniforms by C. E. Franklin for more details.

Ich Dien!

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Winnie the Pooh and Zulus

Here is an excerpt from Dr. Gregory Urwin's latest book.....

Winnie the Pooh and the Zulus

Here is a brief excerpt:

Happy April Fool's

Friday, March 27, 2009

Brown Bess Finish

This is from Richard Staron via Yahoo's RevList Group:
There is no one correct finish or color that the stock should be. Cuthbertson writes:

"By going to some little expence, it will not be difficult to bring the stocks odf the firelocks to one uniform color, by stianing them red black or yellow; and then by laying on a varnish, to preserve them always in a glossy finish....and a little beeswax joined to the labor of the soldier to rub it on."

DeWitt Bailey writes in his latest and greatest that the Tower finished the stocks in linseed oil. There are NUMEROUS recipes for 18th century varnishes. Some of the are oil varnishes which include linseed oil and natrural driers and a little natural resin. Several of them were used and improved upon throught the 18th century. There is no one right answer as to how the Tower or its contractors finished the muskets. Kit Ravenshear writes that a good traditional finish is to mix RAW linseed oil and turpentine (50/50). Llet a handful of alkanet roots (available at through at supply and pigment websites) steep in the mixture for a week. You won't even need a stain. Just apply alternating layers of that and bees wax.

The 18th century linseed oil was heated and lead carbonate was added to is as a drier. Modern boiled linseed oil is not a real boiled linseed oil. The industry simply ADDs driers to it. The ntaural stuff turns dark amber red with the lead carbonate as it cooks. This along with oxidation over the years is what results in the very dark reddish hews seen many old guins, Certainly not all old guns though.

Ich Dien!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Installing Shoe Buckles

A good video showing how to properly install shoe buckles.

Ich Dien!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Mr Snetterton's Song Book

I definitely recommend all British reenactors of the Napoleonic and War of 1812 eras to take at look at Mr Snetterton's Song Book (

Song was a big part of daily life in the British Army during the early 19th century and with Mr Snetterton's book, you can learn the lyrics to many of the common songs.

Check it out and maybe learn a few songs to sing at the cantina after a long days march or fight!

Ich Dien!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Recruiting Poster

Bored this afternoon, I used my collection of (scanned) authentic Napoleonic-era British recruiting posters and put on together for the 23rd Royal Welch Fusiliers. Here is a png copy of the poster.

Ich Dien!