Friday, March 27, 2009

Brown Bess Finish

This is from Richard Staron via Yahoo's RevList Group:
There is no one correct finish or color that the stock should be. Cuthbertson writes:

"By going to some little expence, it will not be difficult to bring the stocks odf the firelocks to one uniform color, by stianing them red black or yellow; and then by laying on a varnish, to preserve them always in a glossy finish....and a little beeswax joined to the labor of the soldier to rub it on."

DeWitt Bailey writes in his latest and greatest that the Tower finished the stocks in linseed oil. There are NUMEROUS recipes for 18th century varnishes. Some of the are oil varnishes which include linseed oil and natrural driers and a little natural resin. Several of them were used and improved upon throught the 18th century. There is no one right answer as to how the Tower or its contractors finished the muskets. Kit Ravenshear writes that a good traditional finish is to mix RAW linseed oil and turpentine (50/50). Llet a handful of alkanet roots (available at through at supply and pigment websites) steep in the mixture for a week. You won't even need a stain. Just apply alternating layers of that and bees wax.

The 18th century linseed oil was heated and lead carbonate was added to is as a drier. Modern boiled linseed oil is not a real boiled linseed oil. The industry simply ADDs driers to it. The ntaural stuff turns dark amber red with the lead carbonate as it cooks. This along with oxidation over the years is what results in the very dark reddish hews seen many old guins, Certainly not all old guns though.

Ich Dien!