Thursday, November 16, 2006

Yorktown 225th - Day 2: First Battle

First let me apologize for not updating the blog recently. It has been a busy end to 2006 and 2007 has started off without a break. In a future post I will have to write about Captain Ferguson's Company exploits during a History Channel filming.

My previous post dealt with the first day of battle at the 225th Anniversary of the Siege of Yorktown. Let me continue with the second day of battle.

The morning of Saturday, October 21st found the 23rd once again at the Endview Plantation. A few redoubts (earthen fortifications) had been built for the battle. During the actual siege of Yorktown, the 23rd was stationed on the far right flank in an exposed redoubt that anchored Cornwallis' line. This redoubt, now know as the Fusilier Redoubt, was assaulted twice by the French army but never taken. In fact, at least four members of the 23rd are still buried in the Redoubt.

After standing around a bit, which seems to happen a lot in the hobby, the 23rd was marched to the earth works. With us were a detachment of Marines as well as two field pieces. Looking out from our fortification, we noticed a vast throng of people across the field. At first it appeared that they were spectators, but then it became clear that 60 Fusiliers, 10 Marines and two field guns were to defend against over a thousand French and Continental forces.



Although it was a staged and scripted battle, one couldn't help but feel some small bits of fear and trepidation looking into the massed throng that was forming for battle. Luckily there wasn't time to dwell on those feelings as the Continental and French batteries opened up.



Soon the attack began in earnest. The 23rd, being the best trained unit on the field, poured well-aimed volleys quickly into the attackers, driving them back.


While the enemy regrouped for another attack, we kept our spirits up by singing a rousing rendition of "Men of Harlech." This also gave time for us to clean the muskets a bit and check flints in anticipations of the next attack.

The next attack was conducted by even more men than the first. A few Fusiliers even took hits as the French and Continentals kept on the attack.


With ammunition running short, flints going dull, it began to look bleak for the proud 23rd. There just seemed no way to stop the numerous Continentals and Frenchmen. Luckily, as if on cue, other Crown forces arrived and were able to drive back the enemy.



With the timely arrival of more regulars, the tide was turned and the right flank of Cornwallis' tentative position in Yorktown was secure.

Ich Dien!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Yorktown 225th - Day 1

It has been a few weeks now and I am still digesting my first trip back East to a Revolutionary War event. To sum it all up, it was the greatest experience I could have hoped for.

The actual 225th Anniversary event was scheduled to take place the weekend of October 20th-22nd. My family and I arrived in Williamsburg, VA on the 14th to get a little bit of sight-seeing. I had never been to the so-called "Historic Triangle" in Virginia and was just blown away when I first got there. Colonial Williamsburg was fantastic, the Jamestown Settlement was a great place to visit and I enjoyed the bit of the Yorktown battlefield I toured.

I won't bore you with the details of my sight-seeing but instead go straight into the reenacting bit. Early on the morning of Friday the 20th, the RV and trailer showed up at the Fusilier Redoubt to unload the gear the California contingent brought along. Since it wasn't possible to bring tents and equipment on an airplane trip, a few of the 23rd living in CA rented an RV and trailer and drove it all the way across the USA (in a record 56 hours) so that we could have an impressive camp. So that morning was spent setting up camp and making it look proper.

After setting up camp, including putting up the same tent multiple times as it was blown down by the wind, it was time to get ready for the first battle. Having only participated in battles in California (where a total of 12 is considered a decent showing), I didn't really know what to expect. The battle was held at the Endview Plantation, which usually holds Civil War reenactments. It had a few nice fields ready for the battle.

We marched into position and soon a few muskets (and rifles) could be heard going off. I thought to myself, "Hey, this is familiar. I know this sound." Then the roaring boom of a volley from a company went off and I was taken aback. It sounded as if the 23rd was going to have to take on the whole Continental line by itself. Meanwhile the cavalry had a skirmish, which was very cool to see as we don't have that in CA.


After the cavalry stopped showing off, the light infantry deployed. It was good to see the Delaware lights from California out.


Shortly afterwards, both sides were pitched in a heated battle. Volley after volley roared over the field. The 23rd, and the rest of the Union Brigade, was being held in reserve (the idea of saving your best for last). The Loyalists were out, slogging it with the militia.


Soon it was the 23rd's turn to come up and deploy.



We put up a good fight, but in the end the Continentals just out numbered us and we were forced to withdraw. During the action, I was wounded but managed (with the help of a drummer) to make it back to the line to do my duty once again.

With our pride still intact and our heads held high, we marched off the field of battle to the cheers of the crowd.


To top off the first day, we showed off a little bit to our adoring audience.



After the battle, I was just amazed at how awesome it was to be part of this and I couldn't wait for the next day.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Summer has come and gone

This summer, for the most part, has come and gone. I have been very busy with work so work on this blog has been lacking. Sorry about that.

So what happened this summer in Company F of the 23rd Royal Welch Fusiliers? We tried to subdue the rebellion on the 3rd of July in Moorpark, showed off our redcoats in San Pedro on July 8th and 9th, tried to stay cool during the very hot months of July and August while getting our equipment and uniform ready for the big show in Yorktown next month.

The 3rd of July event in Moorpark was a lot of fun. The commander of the 23rd visited is California company and was able to promote some of our fusiliers. I was included in that round of promotions so I am no long a Fusilier Recruit but now a full Fusilier.

Everyone in the unit is now frantically getting ready for the big event in Yorktown. I am really looking forward to it as it will be my first reenactment event on the East Coast and with the full regiment.

I plan on keeping track of the events out there and will provide a nice update to this site once I return.

Ich Dien!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Latest Gear Purchase

Today I received another batch of gear needed for the my Napoleonic impression. Compared to my previous purchases for the Rev War uniform, this was a rather minor order. The order consisted of a felt shako blank and a wooden canteen.

In the early 1800s, the British military went away from the cocked hat and bearskin caps toward a shako (stovepipe-like) cap made of felt. As you can see in the picture, the blank I purchased needs a bit of work to get it into something that is wearable. I need to add a lining, small leather visor, leather rim, front plate and plume.

The other item I purchased was a wooden canteen. During the American Revolution, the British army used tin canteens. Due to the demand of the Napoleonic wars, the British switched to a wooden canteen which didn't last as long but was easier (and probably cheaper) to produce in bulk.

The items come from Jas. Townsend and Son, a fine purveyor of replica items from the 1750s through the 1840s. The images in this post are from the Townsend website.

Ich Dien!

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Exciting Stuff This Summer

So I got an email yesterday from one of the guys in the unit and it looks like we have some very cool things lined up for the unit this summer. I can't give the full details yet because its supposed to be "secret" but I can say I am really looking forward to it.

Ich Dien!

Friday, May 19, 2006

Upcoming Event

On July 3rd this year, Captain Ferguson's Company of the 23rd Regiment of Foot is going to help celebrate the 4th of July in Moorpark. It should be a fun time, with a nice battle before the fireworks begin.

Yesterday I learned that we will have a special guest out here for the event on the 3rd--Major Ken Siegel who is the commander of the 23rd. He is coming out to check out the company and to begin the planning process for a major West Coast event sometime next year. Not only that, but he will preside over the induction of new recruits. That means that by July 4th, I should be Fusilier Jones instead of Recruit Jones. I can't wait for that.

Ich Dien!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


My brand new bearskin has arrived from Texas! When I got home from work yesterday, there was a large carboard box waiting for me. I eagerly opened it and found my bearskin cap. The cap looks really good. The fur is a nice jet black (which will change as it gets faded by the sun) and it fits well when I have my wig on.

Since this Sunday is Mother's day, there won't be a drill. I was hoping that the drill would be moved to Saturday instead, but no luck. I hope I remember everything the next time I do go out there since it has been about a month since I last did drill.

Ich Dien!

Friday, May 05, 2006

Too Long

It has been too long since I last posted but there really hasn't been too much to right about. I missed the Napoleonic event that took place the weekend of April 28th. From what I have heard, it was a lot of fun. I can't wait to get my Napoleonic kit together so I can join in the fun.

I got an email yesterday about a possible event this weekend at the West Coast Historical Militaria Collectors Show at the Pomona fairgrounds, but due to lack of interest, the 23rd won't be setting up a booth there.

I am looking forward to the next drill. Hopefully I will get my small clothes (breeches, shirt, waist-coat) soon. After that, all I have to do is wait for my bearskin and then I am all set.

Ich Dien!

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Last part of the uniform ordered

Today I sent away for the last part of my uniform to complete my impression as a Fusilier circa 1775. The last remaining piece I needed was the bearskin cap. One of the men in the unit makes it so I sent him my measurements, a check and the front plate for the cap. Hopefully I will get a completed bearskin before long and my look will be complete.

Now that the rev war uniform is pretty close to complete, it is time to start kitting myself out in the Napoleonic uniform of the 23rd circa 1809. Man, this hobby is just draining away my money but I love it!!!

Ich Dien!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Yorktown 225th

For those of you who don't know, the anniversary of the Siege of Yorktown is fast approaching. The 23rd will be there (hopefully in force) and we need all the redcoats we can get. Take a look at for more info.

Ich Dien!

Monday, April 10, 2006

Camp at Dawn

Here are some shots of the camp setup at the Reagan Library at dawn on Sunday.

One if by land, two if by Simi

Here are some photos from the recent event at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.

Looking good standing around

The prisoner being marched in to court

Charging the crowd


Redcoats make good copy

Ronald Reagan Library Event AAR

It has been over a weeks since the 23rd and the Delaware Light Infantry put on the show at the Ronald Reagan Presidential library. I am now finally recovered from the weekend and so I thought I would write an after action report (AAR). Please keep in mind that this was my first event out as a Fusilier.

Overall I would say the weekend was a success. Not only did I have a lot of fun, but I was also able to help educate thousands of people about the Revolutionary War and the general time period. I have never answered so many questions about the Revolution before due to the questionnaire that was given to elementary aged kids as they walked into the library. If anyone wants to know how St. George and St. Andrew relate to the British Flag, I will be happy to explain. I also explained to many people what a soldier's mess is. It was great to dispel some of the common myths about the Revolution and to enlighten some people about the early struggle to form a nation.

There were three battles each day for the event. The first battle each day as "Anatomy of a Battle" which was a nice demonstration of tactics used by both sides during war. The last bit of it was a bayonet charge straight toward the audience. From what I heard from the spectators, it was a big hit.

The second battle of each day was a recreation of the events on the Lexington green. The Continentals dressed as militia and were treated to a taste of British steel. A photographer from the Simi Valley Daily News taking pictures--the redcoats made the cover of the Sunday paper!

The last battle on the first day was Bunker Hill. The British even climbed the hill at the back of the library to make a dramatic entrance. On Sunday, it was the battle of Cowpens. My musket was junked up, so I took a early hit. If the crowd reaction was any indication, I looked good taking the hit.

There were also some other activities during the two days at the library that I will go over in later posts. Pictures will also be uploaded soon.

For those who missed this year's event, come out next year. It was a blast.

Ich Dien!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Guilford Courthouse

March 15th of this year marks the 225th anniversary of the battle of Guilford Courthouse. This past weekend, a few members of the 23rd went to Guilford Courthouse (modern day Greensboro, NC) to recreate the battle.

The battle was tactically a loss to the Americans, as the British under Lord Cornwallis held the field after the fighting was over. In the larger picture of the war, Nathanael Greene was able to stop the British tramp through the South and directly led to Cornwallis getting trapped at Yorktown half a year later.

From what I have heard, the reenactment went off pretty well and everyone had a good time. Here are a few pictures.

There are also some pretty neat looking 360 degree virtual views from the reenactment.

Ich Dien!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Reagan Library Event

The Annual Revolutionary War Weekend is coming soon to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley. On April 1st and 2nd, reenactors from around Southern California will make the war and the time period come alive with a series of displays and battles.

If you are interested, please come on out and take a look. There will be a ton of stuff going on from period dancing to battle demonstrations. It should be a lot of fun.

I think the description on the Reagan website sums it all up:

Discover how the American Revolution comes alive with a Revolutionary War encampment and battle reenactments in one of the most authentic living history events on the West Coast! It’s the Reagan Library’s fifth annual Revolutionary War Weekend from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on both Saturday and Sunday, April 1st – 2nd. All events related to the reenactments are free; regular admission applies to enter the Museum. For more information, call 800-410-8354.
Ich Dien!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The Opposition

I have not mentioned yet who the 23rd fights when we go into battle. Here in Southern California, there is a unit that depicts a company in the Delaware Light Infantry. You can read all about the rebels here.

Ich Dien!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Toy Soldier Show

Last Sunday was the West Coast Toy Soldier show in Irvine. The show began with some re-enactor groups marching through the show. The Delawares were there as well as a few guys from the 23rd. Some Zouaves were also strutting their stuff.

Pretty much after the march to kick off the show, we did nothing but setup a table and try to get recruits. Almost everyone that walked by was told about the big event coming in April to the Reagan Library and I am hoping that we get a good turnout there. A lot of the kids coming through the toy soldier show were impressed with our uniforms and our muskets. In fact, a few kids even asked if they could buy our stuff.

Those of you interested, there are a few toy soldiers out there that look like Fusiliers. W. Britains makes a set that is three soldiers from the 23rd Grenadier Company as well as some 23rd officers. They look pretty good and at some point I will be picking them up.

Ich Dien!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Sant

Happy Saint David's Day everyone! Every March 1st, Wales celebrates St. David's Day. Think of it as the Welsh version of St. Patrick Day. Instead of wearing green, it is traditional to wear either a daffodil or a leek on this day. The daffodil is the generic Welch symbol while the leek is the symbol of St. David. The story goes that while leading some Welch troops to fight the Saxons, St. David had his soldiers pin some leeks on their helmets to identify themselves. OF course no one knows if this actually happened, but it is a nice story.

Here is some more information about St. David and St. David's Day.

Ich Dien!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Massing of the Colors

Last Sunday, in honor of George Washington's birthday, Captain Ferguson's company of the 23rd Royal Welch Fusiliers attended the Massing of the Colors at the Forrest Lawn cemetery in Burbank, CA. If you are interested in seeing the photos, check out the link below.

Massing of the Colors

Ich Dien!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

General Musket Care

It's been too long since I have posted, so I thought I would drop a quick note on keeping the musket looking good. Back in the day, the wood of the musket was finished using some oil--like whale's oil. Since you can't really find whale's oil too easily these days, Dixie Gun Works has a synthetic whale oil available. I purchased that a few days ago and have spent the last few days applying it to the stock of my musket. It leaves a really nice sheen to the wood without any stickiness. The only downside is that the oil smells like rotten fish. Hopefully with reuglar coats of oil, my musket stock will stay brand new.

Taking care of the stock is easy compared to keeping the barrel bright and shiny. The steel barrel is not stainless so it pretty much rusts if you look at it. To keep it looking good, I apply some Simichrome (a great German-made metal polish) with some fine steel wool. After polishing the steel, oil (not whale oil) is applied. This adds a protective coating to the metal so it won't rust as easily.

Ich Dien

Friday, February 03, 2006


You may have noticed the word "Fusilier" being used on this blog. Odds are you don't have any idea what the heck a Fusilier is or does. Let me help you out by giving the definition and a brief history of the term.

According to Wikipedia[1]:

Fusilier was originally the name of a soldier armed with a light flintlock musket called the fusil. The word was first used around 1680, and has later developed into a regimental designation.

When muskets were first being used in European armies, the main ignition system was a slow burning match (which led to the muskets being called Matchlocks). Around 1650, a new type of musket was introduced--one that used a flintlock as a ignition method. This firelock was expensive and as such, wasn't used by most infantry soldiers. The special value of the firelock in armies of the 17th century lay in the fact that the artillery of the time used open powder barrels for the service of the guns, making it unsafe to allow lighted matches in the muskets of the escort. The flintlocks in use to guard the artillery trains were called fusils and the soldiers who carried them were called fusiliers.

The general adoption of the flintlock musket and the suppression of the pike in the armies of Europe put an end to the original special duties of fusiliers, and they were subsequently employed to a large extent in light infantry work, perhaps on account of the greater individual aptitude for detached duties naturally shown by soldiers who had never been restricted to a fixed and unchangeable place in the line of battle.

Ich Dien

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Brown Bess

In the days of lace-ruffles, perukes, and brocade
Brown Bess was a partner whom none could despise --
An out-spoken, flinty-lipped, brazen-faced jade,
With a habit of looking men straight in the eyes --
At Blenheim and Ramillies, fops would confess
They were pierced to the heart by the charms of Brown Bess.
-Rudyard Kipling, 1911

In 1775, the regular foot soldier of the 23rd Regiment of Foot was armed with the Short Land Pattern (2nd Model) Musket which was commonly referred to as the "Brown Bess." The origin of the term "Brown Bess" is not known and I may possibly explore that topic at a later date.

The Bess is a fairly large and cumbersome weapon with a barrel length of 42 inches and weight of about 9 lbs. It is stocked in walnut with brass fittings. The barrel and other metal parts are of steel--note that I didn't say stainless steel. In fact, it will be a constant battle to keep the musket from rusting as it has a tendency to rust at the slighest cause (such as my looking at it).

The musket fires a lead ball of .69 inches in diameter, although the barrel is larger at .75 inches in diameter. The difference in size is because after a few shots with black powder, there is so much gunk in the barrel a larger ball wouldn't fit. Due to the fact that the ball is smaller than the barrel, there is no real way to make sure you hit what you aim at. The standard tactics of the time were to have massive volleys at the enemy hoping that at least some of the shots do damage.

A good soldier should be able to get off three rounds a minute with the musket and let me tell you I am no good soldier. To load the musket, you have to take a paper cartridge out of your cartridge box. This paper cartridge contains the powder and bullet (or just powder when reenacting). You have to bite off the end of the cartidge, pour a bit of powder in the flash pan (which is next to the barrel) and then close the pan cover. Next, you have to pour the powder down the barrel and then shove the paper and ball down. After those things are in the barrel, you have to draw out the ramrod, ram down the charge and then put the ramrod back. Finally you can pull back the hammer and pull the trigger. Ignition is caused by the flint striking the frizzen, which causes the powder in the pan to ignite which should ignite the charge in the barrel. Rinse, lather and repeat up to three times a minute.

Ich Dien

Tuesday, January 31, 2006


I forgot to mention that during the "Mail Call" shooting we had more than just regular British soldiers. A few allies also showed up, including this Hessian. During the war, the British government hired professional soldiers from the German principalities, especially Hesse-Kassel. These soldiers were known as Hessians.

They were hard fighting, hard drinking soldiers that had large black mustaches (even if they were blonde haired).

Ich Dien

Upcoming Entries

I would like to inform you of some upcoming entries to this blog. Throughout this week, and possibly next, I will be writing about the different pieces of gear and equipment that make up the kit of the typical British Fusilier circa 1775. I will try to explain everything, from the bearskin cap down to the buckles on the shoes. Since I am new to the hobby, I won't have all possible information about each piece, but I will share what I have.

Ich Dien

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Mail Call

Yesterday I was able to take part in the filming for the TV show "Mail Call." For those of you who don't know what "Mail Call" is, let me explain. Actually, I think I will let Wikipedia explain it.

Mail Call is a documentary television program appearing on The History Channel and hosted by R. Lee Ermey, a retired Gunnery Sergeant of the United States Marine Corps.

During each half-hour episode, Ermey reads and answers questions submitted by viewers regarding weapons and equipment used by all branches of the U.S. military now or in the past, as well as by other armed forces in history. Ermey often takes his viewers on location to military training areas to film demonstrations.

Comic relief is provided as Ermey inflicts DI-style verbal abuse on his listeners or tests the effects of various weapons on watermelons(the host's "sworn enemy") and paint cans.[1]

Now that you understand the show, let me explain exactly what happened yesterday. The shoot was supposed to start at 8am, which means the unit had to get there at 5am. It may seem like overkill to get to a site 3 hours before shoot, especially when none of us had to go to the wardrobe or makeup trailers. We needed the three hours to set up all of our camp gear.

The majority of the guys show up at 5am at Sable Ranch in Canyon Country. Even our commander, who got two flat tires on the way up to the location, was there on time. The person who wasn't there on time was the set director (or whatever the heck he is called). We didn't know exactly where to go, so we stood around like a bunch of idiots in the very cold pre-dawn. Finally the guy shows up and we go to the location.

Since it is pre-dawn, we have to use the lights from the cars to see what we are doing. After unloading all the gear, we start setting up the officer's tent. Man, that thing is horrible to put up. Those stupid officers and their fancy, hard-to-maintain gear. After struggling with the tent, we finally get it up. Then it was on to the regular soldier tents. The regular tent is 6 feet tall and 8 or 8 1/2 feet long with a width of 6 feet. It is really not that big, considering five guys would sleep in it. I am sure it would be awfully cozy and comfy in there.

As you can see from the picture, the camp turned out pretty good. The little teepee like thing in the front is the bell of arms. That is where we stack our muskets to keep them out of the weather.

Most of the day, I spent walking sentry duty so that there would always be something moving in the shot. Marching in the sentry position sucks and I am really sore today because of it. When I wasn't walking sentry, I just stood around. In fact, a lot fo the time people were just standing around waiting.

Finally, we got to do the fun stuff and by fun stuff I mean fire off some blanks in the muskets. I had never even fired a flintlock before, so I was a little nervous. First they had us line up, like so.

And then we got to fire.

Upon firing about half a dozen rounds, the shoot was over and we started the clean up. I was pretty tired and sweaty then, but over-all it was a great day. I don't know when the episdoe will air, but when I find out I will let everyone know.

Ich Dien!

Friday, January 27, 2006

Ich Dien

I guess I should explain the term "Ich Dien" before I use it all over the place. The phrase "Ich Dien" is archaic German for "I serve". (In modern German it would be something like "Ich Diene" although I am no expert in Germanic languages). The motto and symbol, which is three white feathers, represents both Wales and the Prince of Wales. Since the 23rd is a Royal Welch unit, it too uses "Ich Dien" as motto and three white feathers as symbol.

Ich Dien


Welcome to my new blog. The goal of this online journal is relatively simple--I hope to chronicle my experiences and adventures as I re-live history. I recently joined the 23rd Regiment of Foot, Royal Welch Fusiliers, which is a group that reenacts the British unit of the same name circa 1775.

I have purchased most of my equipment and gear, which I will write about later. Right now I am getting ready for a TV shoot for tomorrow. Hopefully, they will let me take pictures during the shoot and I will be able to post them all.

Ich Dien!