Thursday, March 23, 2006

Guilford Courthouse

March 15th of this year marks the 225th anniversary of the battle of Guilford Courthouse. This past weekend, a few members of the 23rd went to Guilford Courthouse (modern day Greensboro, NC) to recreate the battle.

The battle was tactically a loss to the Americans, as the British under Lord Cornwallis held the field after the fighting was over. In the larger picture of the war, Nathanael Greene was able to stop the British tramp through the South and directly led to Cornwallis getting trapped at Yorktown half a year later.

From what I have heard, the reenactment went off pretty well and everyone had a good time. Here are a few pictures.

There are also some pretty neat looking 360 degree virtual views from the reenactment.

Ich Dien!

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