Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Yorktown 225th - Day 2: Rest of the Day

After the final battle at Endview Plantation, the 23rd hustled back to the Fusilier Redoubt to begin the rest of the activities scheduled. First off, was a small ceremony honoring the members of the 23rd who fought and died defending the Fusilier Redoubt against the French.


Standing in formation outside of the redoubt, the recreated 23rd performed a "mourn arms" to honor the British soldiers. The mourn arms routine consists of slowly turning the musket upside down so the barrel rests on your foot then placing your hands and forehead on the butt of the stock and sitting there in silence. I am sure it was a moving sight to those watching.



After honoring the fallen soldiers, it was photo opportunity time. The whole 23rd lined up on the crest of the Fusilier to have a unit portrait taken. I am hoping to find a good copy so I can print it and frame it. Family members were then asked to join their Fusiliers for more photo shoots.




Across the street from the Fusilier Redoubt is the Yorktown Victory Center. This Victory Center is funded by the state of Virginia and includes several excellent exhibits, including a recreated Continental Army camp as well as a 1780s farm.


Seeing as how the enemy was so close, the 23rd decided to attack the Victory Center. While the different companies mopped up the feeble resistance, prisoners were also taken. It was a fairly easy battle, as the rabble couldn't stand the disciplined troops doing His Majesty's business.





Following the sacking of the Victory Center, the 23rd celebrated by having a regimental dinner at one of the hotels in Williamsburg. It was an enjoyable evening spent with some great people. A few of the fusiliers wandered into Yorktown after the dinner, but that story is best told in person.

Ich Dien!

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