Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Something Different

To supplement/compliment my re-enacting hobby, I have recently become interesting in military figures (aka toy soldiers). There is a company, Sierra Toy Soldier (http://www.sierratoysoldier.com/) that has a store located near my home. The store has a large collection of soldiers in many scales and from many different time periods. I recommend checking them out, some of the figures are true works of art.

I couldn't stop at merely collecting the toy soldiers. Instead, I am interested in the numerous kits available. The kits are usually resin or white metal and come unassembled. After a bit of assembly and some detailed painting, some truly awesome results can be made.

Since a European trip in the mid 1990's, I have been sitting on one such kit. It is now time for me to put it together and paint it. I have also ordered a figure represented the 28th Gloucester Regiment at the time of Waterloo. I hope that he will turn out well.

I will post my progress as I begin this new project.

Ich Dien!

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